HeatAdapt compatibility
- How does HeatAdapt control the heat pump?
- Is my heat pump compatible by HeatAdapt?
- What are the prerequisites for installing HeatAdapt?
- Is HeatAdapt suitable for all building types and heating systems?
- Does installing HeatAdapt affect my heat pump's warranty?
- Is a buffer tank required for price-based management?
For HeatAdapt users
- What factors does HeatAdapt take into account when creating heating schedules for price-based control?
- How can I adjust HeatAdapt's electricity price-based heating schedules?
- Our building has solar panels. Does HeatAdapt also account for solar production?
- Does HeatAdapt take the heat pump's coefficient of performance (COP) into account?
- How can I verify that price-based control is functioning correctly?
- How does price-based control operate during an internet outage?
- What should I do if I encounter an issue with my heating system?
HeatAdapt installation and configuration
- Can I install HeatAdapt myself?
- How is the installation process for HeatAdapt carried out?
- What prerequisites must be met before installing HeatAdapt?
- Where is the HeatAdapt smart module installed?
- How do I configure the logic for HeatAdapt electricity price based heating schedules?
- How long does it take to install HeatAdapt?